Bob's Gun Shop Inc. 

      Po Box 200 Royal AR 71968

              MILLIONS OF GUN PARTS !!               


              FAX 24 hours a Day (501)-767-2750

              (Leave Your FAX # when you FAX.)

We Have over 42,000 Magazines for 1100 Models!

        We are not printing a Catalog at this time

         Web sight version is much more Complete


BUTT PLATES For over 250 Models!!

                      Also Grip Caps....

       ORDER;  by FAX,  Letter or E-mail.

    Or Order Now !..........Place Order


   Or Print an Order Form....PRINT ORDER FORM

                  PAY   by Credit Card, Money Order,

                           Business Check     Cash

                      $5 Minimum Postage



                 IN GOD WE TRUST !!







Basket Weave Large...................$20

Beretta Snipe................................$25

Snipe grip cap.................................$25

Boito Dbl & O&U........................$15

Boito Single Barrel......................$15

Brass Crescent Stamped Brass...$20

Brass Heavy Crescent ML..........$30

Browning A-5 Original..................$25

Browning A-5 Early......................$20

Browning A-5 late.........................$20

Browning Double Auto Left.........$20

Browning Double Auto Right.......$20

Browning BAR..............................$20

Burgess Dog Head........................$20

Buttplate Blank No Holes............$20

Medium Blank No Holes..............$20

Small Blank No Holes...................$20

Hunting Scene Medium.................$20

Colt Shotgun Late..........................$25

Churchill -Windsor.........................$25

Darne Shotgun...............................$20

Firearms International Shotgun...$15

Firearms International Rifle.........$15

FN Belgium Large.........................$20

FN Belgium Original.....................$25

Fox Sterlingworth Double.............$20

Franchi Logo.................................$20

Franchi Name................................$20

Frnchi   O&U.................................$20


Harrington Richardson.................$20

Harrington Richardson, OLD.......$25

Hi Standard/Higgins......................$15

Hopkins Allen EX Large...............$20

Husquavarna Shotgun...................$20

Iver Johnson Champion................$20

  Iver Johnson Grip Cap................$10

Iver J Signature ............................$20

   Skeeter Grip Cap.......................$10

Ithica Double.................................$20

Ithica Early Large.........................$20

Ithica Early Small..........................$20

Ithica Very Early Small.................$20

Ithica Large....................................$20

Ithica Logo Late............................$20

Ithica Medium...............................$20

Ithica Name Plate..........................$20

Ithica SKB.....................................$25


Laurona ........................................$20

Le Francis.....................................$20

LC Smith Grooved........................$20

LC Smith Dog...............................$20

 Grip Cap Plain.............................$12

LeFever Checkered.....................$20

LeFever Arms THICK.................$25

LeFever Arms Large....................$25

LeFever G Grade Butt Plate........$25

 Le Fever G Grade Grip Cap.......$15

M-1 Carbine Metal......................$15

Manufrance French......................$15

Marlin 336....................................$25

Marlin 39......................................$25

Marlin 1897..................................$20

Marlin 91-92 Early.......................$20

Marlin Safety...............................$20

Marlin Signature Pump...............$20

Marlin Late..................................Out

Marlin Late Rifle........................Out

Marlin Blank Oval......................$20

Marlin Very Old..........................$25

   Marlin White Spacer...............Out


Click to Enlarge

           Marlin 92 Lever Action

Brass Heavy Butt Plate. Requires some

woodwork to fit. Enlarge the picture and

look close to what has to be done....$75

  This is the only source for this heavy

Brass Butt Plate. 

   Semi Finish Walnut Stock..............$100


Click to Enlarge

#1 is Model 92 that is shown above

#2 is Model 27 29 and 37. Stock requires

more fitting to the Brass Crescent

Butt Plate. Stock semi finish...............$80

Brass Butt Plate..................................$75

   Make a real beauty out of your gun

with this heavy Brass Butt Plate!




Miroku Logo Plate........................$20

Miroku Name Plate......................$20

Mossberg Late large...................Out

Mossberg Medium .22 ...............Out

New England.................................$15

Parker #0 Curved.........................$20

Parker #0 Flat...............................$20

Parker #0 With Lip.......................$20

Parker #1 With Lip.......................$20

Parker #1 Curved.........................$20

Parker #2 Curved.........................$20

Parker #2 With Lip.......................$20

Parker #2 Flat...............................$20

Parker Large Early.......................$20

Parker Late...................................$20


Grip Cap Oval Plain.....................$ 8

Grip Cap Checkered....................$10

Ask on Other Grip Caps..

we add new ones  Constantly....



Universal Butt Plate Fits Most Large

Rifle Stocks.

Firearms International  Logo...$10


Click to Enlarge



           ONLY   $25 EACH!


#1 Hunting Scene 5-5/32 X1 9/32  Wide

        2 7/8 between holes


#2 Bird Scene 4 17/32 X 1 1/2 Wide

    Flat 2 5/8 between holes


#3 Squirrel Scene flat 4 5/8 X 1 1/2

            2 1/2 between holes


#4 Quail Scene With Spur

    Flat 4 5/16 X 1 15/32

         2 1/2 Between Holes


#5 Dogs Head 5 1.8 X 1 9/16

          2 1/8 Between Holes







   Parker Grip Cap Checkered........$15

   Parker Ilion NY Cap.....................$15

   Parker Cap Small..........................$15

   Parker Cap Trademark.................$15

   Parker Cap Large..........................$15

   Parker Cap Trojan.........................$15


         Remington Grip Caps

 Click to Enlarge

#1 Dog Head used on many older

Model Stocks...................................$25

#2 742 Cap with Script.....................$25

#3 Gold Remington Logo. SOLD OUT

#4 Diamond ( No white Insert right now)

Was used on 1100  11-48 & More...$15

#5 700 Mountain Rifle and others.

Black oval 1 7/8 by 1 1/4...................$10

#6 700 And Others Almost Round

Black smooth oval 1 7/8 by 1 1/2......$10

#7 White Outline used on many........$15

#8 Beveled Grip cap Screw Mount...$10


Remington UMC Large...................$20

Remington UMC Medium...............$20

Remington UMC Small....................$20

Remington UMC Model 12 22........$20

Remington 22 Rifle Medium............$20

Remington Arms Medium Curve.....$20

Remington Arms Med With Lip.......$20

Remington Small With Lip................$20

Remington large With Spur...............$20

Remington Regular Late large.........$20

Remington Original Name.................$25

Remington 2 Piece Shotgun...............$20

Remington 2 Piece HP Rifle..............$20

Remington Model 8 or 81..................$20

Remington Very Early Picture Orig .OUT

Remington Original 11-48..................OUT

Remington Original Model 11...........OUT

Remington Copy model 11 or 11/48 ..OUT

Remington 550 Automatic..................$20

Remington Model 58/ 878..................$20

 Click to Enlarge

#1 11-48 Old Originals...................$25

Also used on Model 11

#2  2 Piece Late Model Auto and Pump

Shotguns and some Rifles.................$20

#3 7400//7600 Etc   Later Plastic.......$20

#4 740/742/760 Early Metal Plate.....$40

#5 550 etc Small 22 Rifle...................$20

#6 UMC .22 Pump 3 sizes..................$20

#7 8 or 81 Auto HP Rifle....................$20


Rossi Rifle...........................................$20

Rossi Shotgun......................................$20

Sauer & Son Large..............................$20


Click to Enlarge

#1 311 Dbl Large Shotgun..................$25

#2 29 A or B Pump 22 Original...........$25

#3 1899 Indian Head...........................$20

#4 1899 Indian Head Metal 1 left......$50

#5 Favorite 22 SS Late.......................$20

#6 Favorite 22 SS Early Scroll...........$20


Savage Late Double 311 Etc..............$25

Savage Late Pump...............................$25

Savage Early Auto Shotgun................$25

Savage Pump 30-67-77 Original.........$25

Savage 24V O&U Original.................$25

Savage Late O&U 22/410...................$25

Savage Pump Shotgun.........................$25

Savage 22 Rifle....................................$20

Savage Late Single Shotgun................$25

Savage SKB Shotgun...........................$20

Stevens Favorite Standard...................$25

Stevens Favorite Small.........................$25

Stevens Large Shotgun.........................$25

Sevens large Rifle.................................$20

Stevens 22 Rifle...................................Out

Stevens Little Krag...............................$20

Stevens Marksman..22.........................$20

Stevens Visible Loader.........................$20

Stevens 520 Pump Shotgun..................$25

Stevens 620 Pump Shotgun..................$25

Stevens 820 pump.................................$25


Springfield 03/A3 Metal Trap..............$25


Unique Small.........................................$20

Universal Firearms International.........$10

 Universal Fits Most Large Rifle Stocks

Vermey Carron.....................................$18

Winchester. better send broken plate

or a Tracing .

Winchester Flat Name.........................$20

Winchester Early 22 Rifle...................$20

Winchester late 22 Rifle......................$20

Winchester model 61 or 62 Pump........$20

Winchester Round Logo Curved.........$20

Winchester Round Logo Flat...............$20

Winchester Standard With Lip.............$20

Winchester Early Rifle.........................$20

Winchester 1892 Shotgun Style...........$20

Winchester 1894 Plastic.......................$20

Winchester 94-64-55 Rifle...................$20

Winchester Model 70 Rifle..................$20

Winchester 37A Single Barrel..............$20

Winchester 97 Pump Shotgun...............$20

Winchester 97 Metal Original.............Out

Winchester Model 12 Pump.................$20

Winchester Model 42 And 50...............$20

Winchester 1200-1300-1400.................$20

Winchester 1911 Automatic.................$20

  Winchester Grip Cal Regular.............$15

  Winchester Grip Cap Small................$15


Winchester Metal Butt Plates; Antique Rifle

Click to Enlarge Picture

#1 Win 1866 Lever }Rifle Heavy Brass..OUT

#2 Win 1873 Carbine Steel Blue..............OUT

#3 Win 1873 Rifle & Hi Wall Blue .........OUT

#4 Remington Rolling Block Carb Brass OUT

#5 Win 1892 & 1894 Cast  Steel Rifle,

Can be polished Smooth bright or used

as is. Acceptable grain finish....................$65

#6 Win 1892 & 1894 Steel Case Hardened

to a beautiful color finish! ..Rifle............OUT

#7 Win 1892 & 1894 Blue Steel Carbine OUT

#8 Win 1892 & 1894 Plastic Carbine.......OUT

#9 Win 1892 & 1894 Aluminum Black....OUT

#10 Win 1892 & 1894 Oversize Brass

Butt plate can be Ground down to fit

the Carbine Model...................................OUT

#11 Win 1892-1994 ORIGINAL STEEL

Butt Plate Rifle...One left.......................OUT




Zoli Antonio Large...............................$20

Zoli Antonia Small Logo......................$20


 We have MANY old Originals.. Ask.

We have MANY Original Metal

Send a picture to match and Price...


$3 Minimum Postage

If you are Unsure. send a tracing

or outline of the Butt of the gun.



ABOVE  Screws are Phillips Head.

Original Slot head Screws Each...........$ 2

                            Hit Counter