Bob's Gun Shop Inc. Po Box 200 Royal AR 71968 MILLIONS OF GUN PARTS !!
FAX 24 hours a Day (501)-767-2750 (Leave Your FAX # when you FAX.) We Have over 42,000 Magazines for 1100 Models!
ORDER; On Line, by FAX, Letter or E-mail. Or Order Now ! ..........Place Order
Or Print an Order Form...PRINT ORDER FORM PAY by Credit Card, Money Order, Business Check Cash ► $5 Minimum Postage
========== GRIPS Are BLACK PLASTIC Unless Stated Different. The Logo is Molded in.
R.E. Spanish Military.............$30 Romerwerke ...............22/25...$50 Radom P-35.....................9m...$35 Radon P-35 Brown..........9m...$35 Some Have Large Screw... Raven Black Plastic......................25...$25 We only have grips for the old model with flat safety RAVEN .25 Auto Grips SOLID BRASS smooth,.......$50 Never warp or Crack. Look like Gold! Only 4 pair made
Reck P-8 Plastic...............25...$25 Reck Spesco Single Action Wood.................22...$35
Reck Solid Brass.............25....$60 Won't crack, warp, or break looks like gold! only 4 pair cast.
Red Jacket........................32...$25 Reform...............................25...$35 Regina................................25...$30 Regina................................32...$30 Reims.................................25...$35 Rising.................................22...$35 Remington Derringer .......41...$25 Remington 1895 Single Action.$35 Remington 1895 Brown............$35 Remington 51 Auto...................$35 Remington Smoot #1................$30 Remington Smoot #2................$30 Remington Elliot.......................$30 Remington Vest Pocket...........$30 Republic.............................25...$30
RG ROHM #1 RG-10 White Pearl............$20 #2 RG-10 Walnut....................OUT #3 RG-10 Rosewood...............OUT #4 RG-10 Used Plastic............OUT #5 RG-10 Wood no Emblem...$15 #6 RG-23 Brown Plastic..........$25 #7 RG-23 Walnut.....................$30 #8 RG-23 White Plastic Pearl.Out #9 RG-23 Brown Plastic ..........$20 #10 RG-23 White Plastic.........Out Grips RG-20 RG-23
Brown Plastic Grips.............$30 Beautiful Rosewood Grips..$30 Polished Brass Grips...........$55 Polished Aluminum Grips....$45
#11 RG-38 Target....................OUT #12 RG-38 Target Rubber......$35 #13 RG-38 Walnut Satin ........OUT RG-38 Reg Brown Plastic.....$35 #14 RG-10S LR Rosewood....out #15 RG-10S Walnut..................$35 #16 RG-31 Brown Plastic........OUT #17 RG-31 Walnut...................$35 #18 RG63 Walnut....................$35 #20 RG-63 Brown Plastic........OUT
RG-38 RG-40 Rohm
Top Row; Polished Aluminum Grips....OUT Polished Brass Grips. Look like Gold............................OUT Target Plastic Originals.............OUT Bottom Row: Walnut Standard. Can be wiped with Stain for Darker Color.......OUT Standard Original Plastic...........$35 Soft Rubber Target Grips With Screws....................Only..$35 Only 10 pair of each model Brass and Aluminum were ever cast.
RG DERRINGER SOLID BRASS Grips $60 Won't break or warp. Look like gold.
More RG not Pictured RG-2 Blank.......................22...$20 RG-10 Good Used...................out RG-10S White Plastic...22Lr...$20 RG-14 brown plastic ................$20 RG-20 Brown Plastic.........22...$20 RG-20 Good Used.............22...$15 RG-20 Rosewood..............22...$25 RG25 Auto One Piece.......25...OUT RG-26 Auto.......................25...$25 RG-30 Brown Plastic........38...$20 RG-30 Good Used............38...$15 RG-30 Brown Target.......38...$25 RG-30 Target Rubber.....38...$25 RG-31 WALNUT............38...$35 RG-40 Brown Plastic..............$20 RG-40 Rubber Target............$25 RG-42 Auto Plastic..........25...$25 RG-42 Auto Wood...........25...$30 RG-57 Black Rubber like RG-38.$25 RG-63 Walnut........................$35 RG-66 Brown Plastic.......All...$30
Rheinmetal.......................32...$30 Rigarmi Auto...............22/25...$25 Rigarmi Auto....................32...$25 Rino Galesi......................All...$25 Rino Galesi Rino.............All...$25 Rossi Small lady Rev.......22...$25 Rossi Target ...............22.38...$15 Rossi Brown Std .........22/38...$15 Royal Z Novelty......................$30 Royal Medium Grip.........32...$30 Royal Long Grip...............32...$30 RUGER #1 Black Pearl Old Single 6...$35 #2 Black Pearl Old Single 6 With a Laminated Wood Base.$35 #3 White Pearl Old Single 6....$35 #4 Smooth Rosewood Old SS..$35 #5 New Army Rosewood Black Hawk. Single Action......$45 #6 Std 22 Automatic White Ivory Plastic Good Ivory look...........$35 #7 Standard 22 White Pearl.....$35 #8 Std .22 Auto Black Pearl....$35 #9 Std 22 Black Checkered Plastic like the Grips that came on it..$30 #10 Std 22 Checkered Walnut $40 #11 Std 22 Smooth Rosewood..$35 #12 Auto PS-5 Mk 11 Black....$25 Ruger New Blackhawk..W......$45 Ruger Vaquero Wo/ring..........$30 Ruger Bisley............................$35 Ruger Large SA Wood.All......$45 Russian Tokarev.....................$30
Sata White Grips..............22...$30 Sauer 38H.........................32...$30 Sauer 1913........................25...$30 Sauer 1913 No Logo.........25...$30 Sauer 1913 late.................32...$30 Sauer 1930...............................$30 Sauer Model 28................25...$30 Savage 1905......................45...$65 Savage 101 .......................22...$25 Savage 1907.............................$30 Savage 1915......................25...$30 Savage 1917.............................$30 Savage 1919......................25...$30 Schmeisser MP-40...................$42 Schwarelsoe.......................32...$30 Schwarelose WAC....................$35 Seam...................................25...$30 Seam Pocket.....................25...$30 Sedgley Baby.....................22...$30 Seleca Spanish...................25...$30 Seleca Spanish...................32...$30 Sharp Shooter....................25...$30 Sharps 4 Barrel.................22...$25 Sharps 4 Barrel.................30...$30 Sharps 1859 4 Barrel........22...$35 Simplex Bergmann...................$55 Simpson.............................25....$30 Singer.................................25...$30 SM-25................................25...$30 SM-11 ...............................OUT
SM-11 BRASS Grips........25...$40 Look like Gold!. NEVER Break or Warp!
Click to Enlarge
For The model, turn the gun upside down and look for the lLetter on the butt at the Magazine Well. A-B etc Click To enlarge #1 Star FR Brown..................$30 #2 Star F Black......................$30 #3 Star S No Thumb rest.......$30 #4 Star CO .25.......................$30 #5 Star Model M...................$30 #6 Star Model D Brown380..$30 #7 Star Olympic.....................$30 #8 Star Super B.....................$30 #9 Star Militar.......................$30 #10 Star SS & Super S..380..$30 #11 Star Type A Early..........$30 #12 Star Model I Plain..........$30 #13 Star I With Logo.............$30 #14 Star Super M..................$30 #15 Star Model 28/30..........Out Star B.M................................$30 Star Model FM..............22...$30 Star SS Thumb rest................$35 Star Starfire...................380...$30 Star Lancer......................22...$30 Star Lancer......................25...$30 ================== Sterling .25 Auto SOLID BRASS...SOLD OUT Never Warp or break. Only 4 pair ever cast! Look like Gold! We have Sterling parts. Ask.
Stevens Model 10.............22...$30 Stevens Model 40....................$35 Steyr 1907................................$42 Steyr 1908 OWG..............32...$30 Steyr 1909 OWG..............25...$30 Steyr 1909 Baby...............25...$30 Steyr 1912................................$35 Steyr Sdolothum...............32...$30 Steyr SP............................32...$30 Stock Franz.......................22...$30 Stock Franz.......................25...$30 Swiss 1882 Rodund.................$45
We have a LOT of one of a kind so Ask on what you need! Click to Enlarge #1 Through #5 are S&W Outdoorsman, 38/44 etc. #1 Smooth Rosewood.............$35 #2 Smooth Walnut..................$35 #3 Plastic White Ivory............$30 #4 Black Plastic Pearl............$35 #5 Laminated Pepper.............$35 #6-10 Military Police & Similar Round Butt #6 Good Plastic Stag..............$35 #7 Plastic White Ivory............$30 #8 Good White Plastic Pearl..$35 #9 Smooth Rosewood.............$35 #10 Smooth Walnut................$35 #11 Through 15 Mix. #11 Factory 22/32 Kit Gun. Terrier Chief. etc Take off...............$35 #12 Old K Model Walnut.......$35 #13 Chief Takeoff Excellent .$30 #14 Chief, 22/32 Etc Takeoff $30 #15 Model 17 & K New.........$40 -------------- Below grips are Black Plastic S&W K model Square Butt....$25 S&W N Square Butt...............$30 S&W DA Top Break.......32...$30 S&W DA Top Break.......38...$30 S&W DA Floral.......................$30 S&W Hand Ejector..........32...$30 S&W Model 1 Plain................$30 S&W Model 1 Logo................$30 S&W 1891 Target...................$30 S&W 39 9m Conversion.........$30 S&W 41 W/Thumb Rest.........$30 S&W 61 Escort........................$30 S&W New Departure H/less .$30 S&W New Depart H/less.38...$30 S&W Mod 3 Top Break ..44...$30 S&W Perfected Model.....38...$30 S&W S Action Model 2....38...$30 S&W 1871 American Model...$30 Lots of grips on Cobra,Chief, Banker,. Wood,Pearl.etc Click to Enlarge
These fit Chief, 32 Hand Ejector 38 Terrier, 22/32 Kit Gun #1 Magna Style Long Grip Square Butt Black Pearl. $30 Round Butt Converts to Square Butt for better Grip. #2 Smooth Rosewood............$30 #3 Smooth Walnut.................$30 #4 White Pearl.......................$30 #5 Good Plastic Stag ............$35 #6 Plastic Ivory......................OUT #7 Black Pearl........................$35 Short Square butt Converts to Long Butt #8 Black Pearl.......................$35 #9 White Pearl.......................$35 #10 Good Plastic Stag...........$35 #11 Smooth Walnut...............$30 #12 Plastic Ivory....................$30
#1 Through #5 Short Butt Standard. #1 Plastic Black Pearl...........$35 #2 White Pearl.......................$35 #3 White Ivory Plastic...........$30 #4 Smooth Walnut.................$30 #5 Original S&W Walnut......$35 #6 Through #9 Square Butt Chief Etc. #6 Black Plastic Pearl...........$35 #7 Good Plastic Stag.............$35 #8 Smooth Walnut.................$30 #9 White Plastic Ivory..........$30 #10 Shooting Master Black.$35 #11 Shooting Master Original Original Takeoff Excellent...OUT #12 Centennial White plastic Pearl on a black Base.....$35 ======== Thunder...........................25...$30 Titan Auto......Plastic.......25...$25
Titan .25 Automatic. Solid Brass Grips..............25..OUT Solid Aluminum Grips.......25..$50 Grips never Crack or Break. I had these cast for my own Guns. Only 6 pair left. Make your ,25 special!
Triomphe Acer.................25...$30 Trust.................................25...$30 Trust Supbra.....................25...$30 Uberti Thunder One Piece......$50 Uberti Colt No Checkering.....$30 Uberti Colt W/Checkering......$30 Union Long Grip...............25...$30 Union Standard Grip........25...$30 UNIQUE UN MP Occupation................$30 UN MP German W/Hammer.$30 UN Mikros......................25...$30 UN Model 16..........................$45 UN Model L............................$30 Unique One Piece Corsair......$50 U.S. Revolver Company.........$35 Velo Dog / Hammer................$25 UZI Pistol................................$30 Velo Dog Hammerless............$30 Veritable Express....................$30 Vestia 1912.......................25...$30 Victoria Belgium...............25...$30 Victoria 1911 Round Logo.....$30 WALTHER WA Model #1..................25...$30 WA Model #2 .................25...$30 WA #2-5 Transition.........25...$40 WA Model #3..................32...$40 WA 3/4 Transition...........32...$35 WA #4 Early Type...........32...$30 WA #5 ..............................25...$30 WA #6 .............................9m...$45 WA #7 EarlyType............25...$30 WA #7 late Type..............25...$30 WA #8 No Banner...........25...$30 WA #8 Banner.................25...$30 WA #9 ..............................25...$30 WA P-38 Pre War.Comm........$35 WA P-38 Military Black ..9m.$35 WA P-38 Militaly Brown........$35 WA PP Manhurin ...................$35 WW PP Manhurin Sport.........$30 WA PP Standard.....................$30 WA PP Sport..........................$30 WW PPK 2 Piece....................$50 WW TP....................................$45 Warner Top Break..........32...$30 Warner Infallible..............32...$35 Western Six Shooter...............$25 WEBLEY MK 1-2 No Eschuteon...........$35 MK-1-2 With Eschuteon.......$35 MK 1 Revolver......................$35 MK II Revolver.....................$30 MK III Revolver...................$30 MK IV Revolver.............38...$30 MK IV Revolver...........455...$30 1909 2 Screw..........................$30 1909 No Escutcheon..............$30 1910 W/ Escutcheon..............$30 1910 No Escutcheon..............$30 Webley Greene Revolver.....$30 Forsby 1902 ...................455..$35 Webley Wolverine...........22..$30 Whitney Wolverine................$40 Ask on Webley Wood; Z Automatic.....................25...$30 Zaragoza .........................22...$30 Zehna Early.....................25...$30 Zehna ..............................25...$30 Zonda...............................25...$30 $3 Minimum Postage...... Add $2 if you want them Insured You MUST ask and pay for it. Ask on other models as we add to the list daily.... ==================
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